The ferrets are free roam in our home so there are items to entertain them.
In case we need to move out in an emergency, cages are kept set up so the little ones
won't have to be crowded into one or two cages. All cages are kept open and are set up with
beds, hammocks, litter boxes, and food and water dishes. Their porch swing serves as a
bed and a play toy. Carpeted cat climbing furniture is placed between and beside cages for climbing adventures. |
1. Bella 2. Dante (RIP) 3. Casper (RIP) 4. Chewy (RIP) 5. Soup!
6. Playing! 7. Beezel(RIP), Winnie(RIP), Thor |
This is one of two bedrooms for the ferrets. Oh look! There's Kit Kat and Lelo!
Notice the area carpet? This provides softeness for little feet and since oldsters sometimes
have trouble walking on bare floors, the carpeting makes it easier for them to get around.
I buy remnants on sale at carpet stores and replace them several times a year. Carpets can
only stand so much steam cleaning!
Notice the tray under the food bowls? This helps a bit to keep kibble from being scattered
all over the floor. The cages in this room are equipped with hammmocks for sleeping. |
| This is
the ferret's back bedroom, equipped with plenty of hammocks and nice soft cuddly beds.
There are two large windows that are open when the weather cooperates. On the outside of the windows we stapled hailscreen, just in case someone
scratches through the window screen. One window looks out over their outside enclosure. |
| Here's the group all snuggled
in their quilt in their section of the basement. We partitioned off an area for
them, away from the laundry area and we had their area vented for cooling and heating too. |
| This is
what their outside enclosure looks like. The panels have metal
window screen on the outside to keep bugs out and 1x2 welded wire on the inside to keep
the ferrets in. The enclosure is attached to the back of our house and there is a small
doggie door in our back door so they can go out and come in whenever they want to. |